Contact Info

Phone: 0414 714 644

Gayle Dwyer

Owner, Facilitator, Therapist, Coach, Author at TIME TO THRIVE

Hi I’m Gayle, I have dedicated 18 years to work and study in the field of hypnotherapy, EFT Tapping, mindfulness and human behaviour. I am passionate about helping people free themselves from pain, and suffering so they can live a fulfilled and empowered lives. Working as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping Specialist, and Transformational Coach, specialising in anxiety related issues, habit change and weight loss, has been very rewarding. I enjoy facilitating Self Regulation workshops and I am the Author of Turn On The Happy Tap – from anxiety to calm for children and their parents. Having been through my own health issues like auto-immune disease and chronic pain, I am passionate about living a healthy, balanced lifestyle. PHA & Shae have helped me to optimise my own health and therefore the health and wellbeing of my clients. Precision Health has added so much knowledge and wisdom to my rich array of tools I have to offer my clients.

What do you I love about PHA?

I absolutely love the personalised approach to human behaviour and health & wellbeing. Every-body is different and every mind is different, so PHA allows us as coaches to really tune into our clients and help them understand their unique selves at a whole new level, making change easy rather than a battle with the unknown. It’s a no brainer, everyone should have access to this information about themselves so that they can live in flow everyday. It is a wonderful community of like minded individuals that ‘get’ each other!