Trial Summary

We are seeking individuals with a current diagnosis of Pre-Diabetes or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus diagnosed within the last 2 years. Help The purpose of the study is to understand the effects of applying personalized lifestyle recommendations on markers associated with Type 2 Diabetes based on each participant's unique biological makeup. The intervention will be delivered through, Shae, a precision health app. Individuals who participate will receive free ongoing access to the Shae platform with a value of AU$270/yr.
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Trial Description

Type 2 Diabetes is considered a lifestyle disease that, if not appropriately managed/treated can lead to significant disability and negatively impact the lives of those with the condition. It has been established that lifestyle factors (nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress and social wellbeing) make a big difference to the development, progression and treatment of the disease, however, due to the individual differences between people,not everyone gains the same benefit from the same recommendations

This study will examine the effect of providing personalized lifestyle guidance to individuals, based on their individual differences, on markers associated with Type 2 Diabetes. 

The study will include 100-120 participants and will run for 6 months. Participants will be provided with access to personalized lifestyle suggestions through the Shae app, and will receive resources and workshops to support the development of knowledge, awareness and behaviour change based on the personalized lifestyle suggestions.

Some individuals will be asked to live their normal lifestyles for a period of time before entering the trial to allow a comparison of standard care with the personalized lifestyle approach. 

The first wave of active intervention is set to being late August/Early September, 2022

The second wave of active intervention will being 6-6.5 months after the first wave, i.e. Feb/March 2023


Are You Or Someone You Know Eligible?

Please follow the following questions to understand your initial eligibility for the trial. If you are a health professional supporting an individual, please ensure the participant is eligible based on STEPS 1-3 If you find that you are not eligible for this particular study, please see how you can gain access to personalized support for your health at the bottom of this page: ‘Further Support Outside This Study’
I am a Health/Medical Professional and I have clients who are eligible.

Step 1

If Yes, please proceed to STEP 2

If NO, please continue

If Yes, please proceed to STEP 2

If Unsure but believe you may be eligible, please see Step 1A

If NO but think you may still be eligible, please got to Step 4

If you answered YES to all of the above questions, please go to STEP 3

If you answered NO to any of the above questions but want further clarity as to whether you can participate, please confirm eligibility through STEP 3, then see the details to email us

If you answered NO to any of the above questions, please see ‘Further Support Outside This Study’ below.

You cannot be part of this study if you answer YES to any of the following

Step 2

You must answer ‘NO’ to the following criteria:

Step 3

Please complete the following form to register your details and the best time for you to receive a phone call to complete your confirmation. Please note your contact information will be stored securely and only viewed by the research team. If you are determined ineligible, your contact details will be discarded at your request

1. Please complete the following form to register your details and the best time for you to receive a phone call to complete your confirmation. Please note your contact information will be stored securely and only viewed by the research team. If you are determined ineligible, your contact details will be discarded at your request

2. You will be contacted by the research team to confirm your participation, provide additional information and clarify any questions you may have

Please note: You will need confirmation from your medical practitioner and blood results indicating your current diagnosis of pre-diabetes, or your diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the last 24 months.


Step 4

1. If you answered ‘NO’ or ‘UNSURE’ to questions 1 & 2, but believe you may be undiagnosed and still eligible pending testing please take the following steps. This survey will determine if you are indeed at risk of Type 2 Diabetes 

  1. If you scored 15 or more on the above test, you are at risk of Type 2 Diabetes and you are recommended to confirm this with your medical practitioner
  2. Complete medical screening for Type 2 Diabetes with your medical practitioner (blood tests)

If you are confirmed as having ‘pre-diabetes’ or Type 2 Diabetes, please continue to STEP 1


Further Support Outside This Study

If you are determined ineligible for this particular study, but are wishing to have personalized support for your condition(s), please complete the following form to be connected with a suitable health professional that may be able to assist you in a private health care setting, or if you were recommended by a Precision Health Practitioner, please contact them for your best pathway forward.