Precision Exercise Mini-Series


The 3 crucial videos fully loaded with essential information to prepare for more effective exercise prescription

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What is Personalised & Precise Exercise?

Based on the premise that everyone is an individual, therefore the individual’s optimal way to move is also as unique as they are.

It aims to provide the right exercise, to the right person at the right time to maximise their results. It considers the individuals unique biology make-up (genetics and epigenetics), the training principles and it’s individual constituents, the influence of environmental and other lifestyle factors to determine the exercise needs of the person in that moment in time.

Personalisation refers to the identification that we are different, and therefore considerations need to be made that account for that difference. Precision relates to the application of personalised differences at the right time in the right way. 

What’s in each episode?


Considerations in Precision & Personalised Exercise

Episode 1: The fundamental principles of what makes us unique and the considerations needed to understand the appropriate exercise prescription.


The Need & Evidence for Precision & Personalised Exercise

Episode 2: Investigate the need for precision health, non-responders and current evidence of the development of individualised exercise programming. Plus the role of technology in capturing the complexity of individuality in a meaningful way.


Clinical Application of Precision & Personalised Exercise

Episode 3: A demonstration of how AI and machine learning technology is being used to enhance clinical assessment and provide more exacting results based on a broader and more comprehensive understanding of the individual.


Dr Cam McDonald

Dr.Cam is a leader, educator, PhD scholar and internationally recognised speaker on personalized and precision health. As a key executive & education leader at Precision Health Alliance – his mission is to eliminate chronic disease and pain by 2050 whilst making ‘healthy’ and ‘resilient’ the norm. Dr Cam is an exercise physiologist, accredited practicing dietitian and a Fellow of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine. An experienced clinician, he is an international leader in the application of precision health in practice. Dr Cam leaves an indelible mark on the audience through his ability to simplify the complexity of health science, infuse hope and stimulate action.

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