- PHA: Community Comms - This email list provides general communication from the precision health community. It could include updates on the latest research, news, events, and other relevant information. The frequency of these emails is weekly.
- PHA: Event Reminders - This email list sends reminders for important events related to precision health. These emails are event-specific and will be sent before the event to ensure that you don't miss anything important
- PHA: Important Announcements - This email list sends notifications when there are fundamental changes to how you will interact with PHA. The frequency of these emails is quarterly, and they could include updates on policy changes, organizational updates, or other significant announcements.
- PHA: Webinars - This email list sends educational webinar series for your specific area of expertise related to precision health. These webinars can help you stay up to date with the latest trends, research, and practices in your field.
- PHA: Education - This email list sends the latest precision health information delivered to your inbox. The frequency of these emails is fortnightly, and they could include updates on the latest research, case studies, and insights related to precision health.
- PHA Newsletter - This email list sends the latest precision health information delivered to your inbox. The frequency of these emails is monthly, and they could include updates on the latest research, news, events, and other relevant information related to precision health.
Become a Precision Health Professional
Learn how to use the latest AI-driven health technology combined with behavioral coaching intelligence to provide personalized results for every client.
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- Learn how to use intelligent behavioral coaching
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- Collaborate on global projects & pioneering research
- Binge on edutainment tailored for your profession
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